Lesson Plan- Comet's Nine Lives


1A. Florida ELA Standards:  http://www.cpalms.org/Public/search/Standard#0

LAFS.2.W.1.3- Write narratives in which they recount a well-elaborated event or short sequence of events, include details to describe actions, thoughts, and feelings, use temporal words to signal event order, and provide a sense of closure.

2. Objectives

Students will: be able to sequence the events of a story by using temporal words, such as first, next, and last.

Students will be able to utilize their knowledge of sequencing, to apply it to real world situations.

3. Assessment & Evaluation

a. Initial- This will be the last book of our author study. We will talk about the different books we have read about. I will lead a class discussion about how Mrs. Brett’s books are similar and how they are different. We will discuss how the art in the books has changed over time, and why we think that is.

b. Formative (Informal) - Students will create a sequencing book for Comet’s Nine Lives. They will write one sentence and draw a picture for each life. This will help them to sequence Comet’s life by knowing what event came first, and lead to all the other events.

c. Summative (formal)- I will put students in groups of two. The students will be responsible for writing a short story on Jan Brett’s life. One student will get facts about her life, and the other will get facts about her book. They must have life facts, and the book facts sequenced by what happened first, to what happened last. They will be required to use temporal words such as first, next, and last. I will provide the websites they may use for their research.

4.  Introduction to Lesson: We will discuss whether a cat really has nine lives or not. We can then discuss other ‘cat’ phrases that are used to mean other things. It is raining cats and dogs, I will take a catnap, Look what the cat dragged in, Cat got your tongue?, When the cat is away, the mice will play.

5. Materials

Computer access for groups of students

Notebook paper

Construction paper stapled together for the formative assessment book

6. Technology Integration

Students will use computers to conduct their research on Jan Brett. They may use the following websites: www.janbrett.com, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jan_Brett, http://www.scholastic.com/teachers/contributor/jan-brett, http://janbrettsblog.com/

7. Teacher Presentation or Facilitation: (includes reviews, practice, and questions)  

You must highlight your differentiated instruction


Today we will read our last book in our study on Jan Brett. Who can tell me some things they have learned so far? ~wait for student responses~ What has been your favorite book so far? ~wait for responses~. Our last book is called, Comet’s Nine Lives. Do cats really have nine lives? ~student responses~ No, of course not. Why do you think people say they do? ~wait for responses~ Have you heard any other phrases about cats that are not true, or are not used in a literal sense? ~wait for responses~ Those are some good ones, how about these ones, (go over list from into activity). While I read I want you to be listening and paying attention to the events that cause Comet to loose his lives. Pay attention to what comes first, next, and then last. ~I will read the book~ Questions to ask while reading, Who are the characters in the story? How did he loose his lives? What is going on in the pictures on the side of the book? Where do you think the big wave will take Comet? Where did Comet end up? Now, I’m handing out a little book. I want you to tell me what happened to Comet in the story. In one or two sentences, tell me how he lost his lives. Then, draw a picture of that stage of the book. If you need help remembering what happened, ask two friends before asking me, but I will be around to assist if you need help. You have 30 minutes. ~walk around and help with books. ~ Okay, time is up. Put everything away, if you didn’t finish that is okay, you will have time later to work on it. I will now pair you up with someone to work on our next project with. ~I will pair students up~ You are going to research about Jan Brett. I want one person to concentrate on her life and the other person to concentrate on her books. You will compile your information together and write a short story about her. In your story, you must have things organized with what happened first, next, and last. Make sure you are using your temporal words. The websites you are allowed to use are already pulled up on the computer. You may use any of those four websites. Try to find at least three things for her life and three things about her books. You may help each other. If you need more assistant, let me know. I’ll be walking around. You have 1 hour.